Thursday, July 6, 2017

Starting School

We were (and are) a very tight family. We never had more than one car (our father car-pooled) and none of the kids has their own car until they left the house. Usually long after that, as well. That meant a lot of riding together. Another early memory for me was going to pick up sister Abbie from Kindergarten. So, she would have been five, and I would have been three. Hard to believe that was 57 years ago. Hard to believe that school is still around (Jefferson) and if still being used.

Jefferson Elementary School


I went to Jefferson for kindergarten as well. Here I am going to school:

I walked to school, as did all my siblings. It was about a half mile walk. But it was a half mile walk alone. Along a busy street. And I was five years old. We were taught responsibility early.

I generally enjoyed school, but kindergarten was tough. I loved being with my mother and never wanted to leave her. Here’s another early memory. I was still sleeping in my folk’s bedroom, in a crib. (How old could I have been? I just don’t know. The memory is clear, the circumstances fuzzy). Every night my mother would say to me, “Good night little horse” and I would reply “Good night sweet horse”. They my father would say “Good night, little horse” and I would reply “Good night, dumb horse.” And he would laugh and laugh. Man! Oedipal, anyone?

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